Creative ideas have a shelf life and they come with an expiration date.

If I didn’t start acting on my creative ideas in the moments when I got a creative energy spurt, feel the passion, excitement and inspiration to complete them, they would go away - then I would never have anything interesting and personal to share with the world.

Which is why I started this blog.

This space was designed with the intention for me to be able to have an accessible platform where I could share the thoughts, theories, and other creative ideas that come to me on a daily basis.

Now it is up to me to put the effort in and have my creativity ready to share with the world :)

Graduated from the University of Exeter, with a multilingual, international background and a knack for writing, storytelling, graphic design, and creative direction. I hold a deep and innate passion for the arts - particularly literature, music, and film.

Being an English student whose main area of interest is critical theory, I mainly write about arts and culture using a critical/philosophical lens.

This blog was created with the means to provide me with a creative outlet where I could sharpen my writing skills but also share my everyday ideas and opinions in an interesting, accessible and personal platform.