Rethinking The Future
17 / 01 / 2022
The post below will showcase my designs for “Rethinking The Future”, along with some information about the process behind these designs and the inspiration I drew from creating them. I will also showcase the description I wrote to accompany the designs
The Instagram Post
I was inspired by the incoming new year and the passage of time.
The Event Description
The future. That period of time that we all presently want to be in because of all the wonderful theories, concepts, and plans we have envisioned. What does the future hold? Who will I become? Where will I be? What will I look like? Will I be rich?
But… when the future becomes the present (which it always does) we all inevitably wish it were still the past. All those theories you envisioned, all those concepts you heard of, all those plans you made to see Harry Styles in concert that got cancelled because of COVID either:
A) never came true
B) were not worth the wait
C) really sucked
Why can’t the future just simply stay in the future? Why must the future always come knocking?
Come join us this Thursday for our first session of 2022 and let us know whether or not you think the future is as bleak as we do here in Rethinking :(
Oh, and happy new year!